Masthead image


This Land Grab is currently a work in progress; all details are subject to change and modification - you've been warned!

"It's a whole load of nothing special, buddy"
"So why's the Navy here, then?"
"Because it's a whole load of nothing special".

Rampart. Sounds like a good name for a castle, doesn't it.

In any other place, you might be right.

But this castle is a solar system. Two stars, two gas giants, a few rocks, and a small handful of planets with nothing particularly out of the ordinary to offer.

It's also on the main X-boat run in the sector. And the on the most traveled thoroughfare route through the sector. So, a pretty busy load of nothing, then.

But this castle houses an Imperial Navy Brig on the quiet.

And this castle has not one, but three research stations.

This castle also has elements of the 130th Imperial Navy Fleet permanently stationed here.

Oh, AND there's a reinforced regiment of Imperial Marines here, too.

...And a Monastic Order's Retreat..?!

So, not exactly a whole load of 'Nothing special', then...?

UWP breakdown:J-2 map around Rampart

Class A Starport, offering excellent levels of Shipyards, able to build, refit, overhaul, and repair all classes of starship, and possessing supplies of refined fuel
Planetary Size
9 Large (14,240 km diameter)
Very thin requires a respirator. The atmosphere has a pressure of 0.1 to 0.42 atmospheres, which requires the use of a compressor to ensure sufficient oxygen.
Type 4 - Wet World - 41% liquid ocean
2 - Low - (800)
0 No governments
Law Level
0 ("No Law") No restrictions.
Tech Level
F - Imperial Maximum.

General overview:

Rampart is essentially a stellar way station; there is absolutely nothing else of any commercially viable exploitable worth here.

Due to the paucity of civilian population centres in the system, the Imperial Navy pretty-much runs the system from the Naval Base at Rampart. Operating from the next-door Moibin Subsector, as Limon subsector has no capital world or sub-sector government, the 130th Imperial Navy Fleet is additionally tasked with maintaining a security presence in Limon, which it does from the extensive set of main and satellite Naval Bases within the system. Elements of the 130th Fleet are permanently stationed on rotation here for six-month routine patrol tours (normally one CruRon and two SDB Squadrons, but if there is no available CruRon, two DesRons are sent instead), along with a regiment of Imperial Marines on extended training on Rampart I Gamma-See (known for short as "One Gamma See").

As a consequence of all the civilian traffic using this system as a waypoint and thoroughfare, the navy installed a very comprehensive tracking system in both the inner and outer systems; the result is one of the most effective space traffic management systems in the known galaxy.

There are also two IN research facilities (a jump drive improvement facility on Rampart Delta, and a Marines Infantry weapons design and testing lab on Rampart II Beta-See), and one civilian commercial research lab (looking into new low-gee zero-atmo mining technologies, run by a division of Sternmetal Horizons, on a contract for the IISS) in-system on Rampart II Epsilon-See.

While the Rampart system is not a Red travel zone, present in-system is one of the IN's major Naval Sector Brig facilities (sited on the almost-ice world One Gamma See, which has a fully-enclosed Dome system housing the Prison Farm, which is staffed by the inmates, and which produces much of the fresh produce (all forms) that goes into starship provisions in the sector. No conventional fences or walls are required for this low-level brig, as most unprotected humans would be dead from exposure in a very short time, so prison escapes are very, very rare, and usually the result of mental instabilities in those that attempt escape.

Inmates sent to this Brig facility are generally low-level military offenders, and while they have been assessed to be low-risk, they have all been sentenced to be discharged from Imperial Service (Bad Conduct Discharges, mainly), and the hydroponic farm provides them work experience leading to one of several qualifications that are recognised in civilian life. There is a secondary facility on-world, which is used as a Naval Gunnery Range for Naval interface bombers, Naval FOBS tests, and Live-Fire Imperial Marines Infantry manoeuvres; it also houses barracks for the on-world Marine Regiment, whose secondary duty is to assist the Naval SPs at the Brig in times of alert or other trouble.

There is a small facility for servicing X-Boats arriving in-system, co-located with the main naval base high station at Rampart.

The Navy runs extensive patrols through this system, and visiting civilian shipping that is merely 'travelling through' is required to remain close to the Gas Giant (there is a three diameters exclusion zone to non-military traffic around "One Gamma See", for obvious reasons), perform their refuelling (if required), and leave without making any unnecessary planetfall. A NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) is in effect within the system, to this effect, and is renewed and republished annually, sector-wide. Violators of the NOTAM can be expected to have their ships pursued, boarded, and the crews and passengers detained (forcefully if required), pending extensive interviews (interrogations) to determine intent and/or guilt, followed usually by prosecution under the various laws regarding the security of Imperial Naval bases and the space around them. Draconian it may be, but lessons were learned in the Fifth Frontier War, and the Navy learned them well.

System Highlights:

  • Rampart A434200 F
    -Naval Base, Low Population, Non-Industrial (Navy High & Ground Base, System HQ, Imp Navy & Marines Transit Barracks).
    - Main system port facilities, geared to servicing military traffic. The Down Port also handles civilian ships for the small civilian population on-world. The civvy facility is separate from the military one, and a local agreement has civilian traffic in need of refined fuel able to purchase it at cost plus Imperial Sales Tax from the IN - with no local duties or fees, that makes this a VERY cheap fuel source!
  • 1 Beta
    Innermost Gas Giant.
  • 1 Beta-Ay
    - Research Labs (Infantry arms), Naval Base (SDB Sdn 'hide')
    - This is a rough location for storage of fuel, ammunition and other consumable supplies only; it's intended as a stopover/supply dump for them while on patrol around the major gas giant.
  • 1 Beta-Gee
    - Naval Base (Tracking station)
  • 1 Gamma-See
    - Naval Base (Imp Marines Barracks)
    - This is the IN discharge brig, and the proving grounds and live-fire ranges for in-system ships and Marines.
    - Effectively an Ice world, all brig inmates are housed and work in linked hab domes which are semi-submerged into insulated foundations on the permafrost. Gamma See does not experience normal snow or sleet; instead, the extreme cold, coupled with the low atmospheric pressure, causes ice storms, which throws clouds of needle-like ice projectiles at tremendous velocity; any unarmoured organic body exposed to these storms is reduced to nothing more than organic sludge in very short order... no wonder the Imperial Marines use this planet for extreme environmental SERE (Survive, Evade, Resist & Extract) training!
  • 1 Delta
    - Research Labs (Jump tech)
  • 2 Beta
    - Naval Base (Tracking Stn)
  • 2 Gamma
    - SDB Sqn 'Hide' - Again, this is a rough location for storage of fuel, ammunition and other consumable supplies only; it's intended as a stopover/supply dump for them while on patrol around the major gas giant. The research labs are a self-contained facility on the other side of the planet, with the G class post facility; it's not intended for regular visits from larger ships, primarily the field is there to service its weekly supply runs from Rampart Base
  • 2 Epsilon
    - Monastic Retreat; Not much is known about this somewhat obscure and apparently monotheistic order. They have a regular monthly shuttle of supplies, keep to themselves, don't accept visitors from outside their order, and don't interfere with the Naval operations.
  • 2 Epsilon-See
    - Research Labs (Civilian Contract, Mining Tech)

There are also Naval Stations (not bases) located on the following satellites:

  • 1 Beta See
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 1 Beta Dee
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 1 Beta Ee
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 1 Beta Gee
    - Inner-System Traffic Control Station
  • 1 Gamma Aitch
    - tracking station, System Comms Relay, and Navigation beacon
  • 1 Epsilon
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 1 Epsilon Ay
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 1 Mu
    - Tracking station & Range Control Facility
  • 2 Beta
    - Outer-System Traffic Control Station
  • 2 Gamma Ay
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station
  • 2 Epsilon Bee
    - Remote unstaffed tracking station

Brief H&E System overview & notes:

1. Date of Preparation 11/2/2015
2a. System Name Rampart
2b. Hex Location 3030
3a. Sector Reft
3b. Subsector Limon
4. Star Name -
5a. Spectrum M
5b. Size 3
6. Magnitude V
Rampart I Epsilon Ay


0  -   Rampart I  Alpha             A434200-F Ni Lo     Main World

1  -   Rampart I  Beta              XC00000-0 -         GAS GIANT
-  5   Rampart I  Beta Ay           YS00100-F  Re       Restricted Access - SDB Sqn Base
-  6   Rampart I  Beta Bee          G230120-E  -        Naval Remote solar weather observation station
-  7   Rampart I  Beta See          Y100100-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station
-  8   Rampart I  Beta Dee          Y360123-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station
-  9   Rampart I  Beta Ee           H230132-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station
-  10  Rampart I  Beta Eff          Y437100-F  Re       Restricted Access - Naval Facility
-  11  Rampart I  Beta Gee          G100100-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Inner-system Traffic Control Stn
2  -   Rampart I  Gamma             XC00000-0  -        GAS GIANT
-  2   Rampart I  Gamma Ay          YR00000-0  -	RING
-  3   Rampart I  Gamma Bee         YR00000-0  -        RING
-  5   Rampart I  Gamma See         Y556162-E  -        Imperial Navy Brig & Live Fire Ranges (see notes)
-  6   Rampart I  Gamma Dee         Y321100-E  -        Naval Remote solar weather observation station
-  7   Rampart I  Gamma Ee          Y508113-E  -        Corporate Research Station
-  9   Rampart I  Gamma Eff         Y102000-0  -
-  12  Rampart I  Gamma Gee         Y270000-0  -
-  30  Rampart I  Gamma Aitch       Y100100-E  -        Naval Navigation Beacon, Tracking Stn & comms relay station
-  35  Rampart I  Gamma Eye         Y360100-F  Re       Restricted Access - Range Control Facility
-  40  Rampart I  Gamma Jay         Y431120-E  -        Naval Remote solar weather observation station

3  -   Rampart I  Delta             F100130-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Research Station

4  -   Rampart I  Epsilon           H100112-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station
-  5   Rampart I  Epsilon Ay        HS00120-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station

9  -   Companion Star  -  -

11  -  Rampart I Mu                 H135163-E  -        Naval tracking station & Range Control Facility
12  -  Rampart I Nu                 F627160-F  Re       Restricted Access - Orbital Bombardment Ranges


0  -   Rampart II Alpha             Y130166-E  -

1  -   Rampart II Beta              F140000-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Outer-System Traffic Control Stn
-  5   Rampart II Beta Ay           HS00000-0  -
-  6   Rampart II Beta Bee          GS00110-E  -        Naval Remote solar weather observation station
-  35  Rampart II Beta See          YS00130-F  Re       Restricted Access - ImpNav Research Station

2  -   Rampart II Gamma             G100000-F  Re       Restricted Access - SDB Sqn Base
-  10  Rampart II Gamma Ay          YS00100-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station

3  -   Rampart II Delta             X000000-0  -

4  -   Rampart II Epsilon           G120162-F  Re       Monastic Order retreat
-  1   Rampart II Epsilon Ay        YR00000-0  -        RING
-  5   Rampart II Epsilon Bee       YS00115-E  -        Naval Remote tracking station
-  7   Rampart II Epsilon See       YS00124-F  Re       Restricted Access - Civilian Research Station