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This Land Grab is currently a work in progress; all details are subject to change and modification - you've been warned!

Adventure Ideas:

  • The 'A' class starport really is the civilian port, rather than the Naval groundside base, which is co-located there for convenience. It is very small port, but has all the facilities available to meet the requirements of its SPA class 'A' port certification... in theory.
    In actual fact, the civilian port is also run by the Navy, but instead of naval personnel visibly running the show, it's hired civilians to do it for them, and while All the port 'management' operations are managed by the civilians, the actual heavy lifting, so to speak, is carried out by Naval personnel, technicians, and support crews. It's a win-win situation that most visitors don't even look twice at, as the costs are incredibly low compared to fully civilian facilities, and the work performed is top-notch.
    • If the PC show up needing their annual maintenance on their ship, the port director will put a call through to the naval base commander, who will then assign a maintenance crew from his base for "practice". That is, if the PCs don't mind a large crew of Imperial Navy technicians crawling all over their ship for two weeks tearing every part of it apart. The results will be cheaper, and better quality, than at other port facilities in the neighbouring sub-sectors, however the catch is that the Navy also follows all the Imperial regulations and may (read "WILL") flag and/or remove any sub-standard or unauthorized modification, replacing them with authourised replacements instead.
    • Or report and detain for any illegal weapons/cargo/people/equipment.
    • Or Naval Intelligence may decide this is a peachy opportunity to load the PCs ship with the latest in recording nanobugs, and turn the ship into one big intelligence gathering device.
    • Or worse, they'll instal control devices they can override the ships' systems with, immediately after the regular maintenance crew is done so they don't know it was done and can provide deniability.
    • The only thing the Navy would tend to worry about would be violation of the rules of war (i.e. nuclear weapons), and perhaps violations of the Imperial ban on chattel slavery (You have signed employment contracts for your stewards, right?). And perhaps the Shudusham Concords, banning armed robots (Laser welder aren't weapons) and pseudo-biological robots passing themselves off as human.
    • A legitimate free trader LIC gives a wide latitude to carry a whole lot of things. Just as long as you aren't importing them into worlds who don't want you to, the Navy doesn't much care...

Adventure Hooks:

  • While downside at the starport, the Port Director asks a favour of the crew... It seems that the usual monthly shuttle to the Monastery on 2 Epsilon is unavailable due to an unexpected technical glitch, and they're awaiting the parts for it from the manufacturer; would the PCs kindly run their ship on a small detour there and deliver the months supply run to them? It pays the usual rate for a single jump run, but with no expenses for jump fuel, it's a very profitable offer for what's effectively a local milk run...
    1. All is as represented. A vernier thruster on the usual shuttle has failed before takeoff, and unusually, the part cannot be manufactured locally, so has had to be ordered from the nearest distributor of Geschichtkreis Sternschiffbau AG Engine Plant components.
    2. As above, but the shuttle malfunctioned after delivering the supplies to the monastery, and the PCs are tasked with recovering both the shuttle and it's flight crew.
    3. The Monastery is in fact a front for the Imperial Intelligence Services, and they need a 'clean' starship to do a little poking around. The crew will be interned under a Warrant issued in accordance with Imperial Edict 97 in comfortable surroundings.
      Of course, after they get their ship back, travelling with it to places outside the Imperium is likely to be an... interesting... experience, if the intelligence spooks have been there in the ship before them...
    4. As per 3, but it's a foreign intelligence service running the show, and they need to get out of the system. They'll be none too subtle about going about removing the crew from their ship.
    5. As per 1-2, but the monks have gone insane through consuming some contaminated supplies from the last supply drop; one of the first things to happen was one of the monks destroying the communications gear in the monastery. Since they rarely use the communications equipment (their monthly supplies being exactly the same and provided through a standing order arrangement), no-one has noticed this problem, and will try to kill the PCs for as many twisted and horror-movie-esque reasons as you can likely conjour up (ZOMBIES IN SPAAAAACE!!!).
    6. The Monastery has been taken over by criminals who arrived in the last supply drop posing as new monks; they will try to board and hijack the PCs ship, and transport out priceless Monastic relics.